Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Keep Your Content on Strategy With a Single Statement

You may be thinking along the lines of "build it and they will come" when it comes to your website or blog but that's not always true. If you want dedicated followers, you will need content that will keep them coming back for more. To make this process manageable, you will need a strategy. 

One of the best things you can do to create content that will help you reach your business goal is to reduce your words down into a single statement: a core content strategy statement.

A core content strategy statement is more flexible than the mission statement which you create one time and applies to everything you do from then on. You can make your strategy statement as broad or narrow as you want and tailor it for each of your target even audiences.

There are three things you can do to make sure you stay on track with your strategy ideas:
  1. Create a core content strategy statement
  2. Use this statement to choose topics
  3. Add this statement to your editorial checklist

1. Create a Content Marketing Strategy Statement

A fun and easy way to create a core strategy statement is to use a fill-in-the-blank activity like the one below that covers the 3 key components of a content strategy statement:

  • Business goals
  • Target audience
  • Audience needs


Once you are clear on all three components you can create content that performs every time. When writing your content strategy statement, remember that it is different from an editorial mission statement which answers these questions:
  • Who you are as a company
  • What audience are you trying to reach
  • How you will reach them
  • What you want to do when you reach them

2. Use the Content Strategy Statement To Choose Topics

Your content strategy statement can serve as a starting place for coming up with ideas and deciding which topic ideas fit your strategy. A decision making matrix will help you decide which ideas meet your business goals and audience needs. You can use a template like the one below and rate each idea on a scale of 1 to 5. Ideas with a score of 4 or 5 are more likely to fit your strategy statement while ideas with a score of 3 or below most likely won’t fit with your strategy statement.


3. Add the Content Strategy Statement to Your Editorial List

It is recommended that you add your content strategy statement to your editorial checklist since it will help you keep your strategy fresh in your mind. Be sure to use items in your list that address business goals, user needs, main messages, and calls to action. Calls to action are a vital link between your content and conversion.

You can customize your checklist by adding as many details as you need. Whatever type of checklist you come up with, adding your content strategy statement at the top will help keep you focused on your strategic goals and ensure that your content performs every time.

Hopefully this will help you find the value of creating  a content strategy statement and using it to guide you through the process of developing content. I would love to hear if this information was helpful. Feel free to leave your comments below.

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